How can Aromatherapy help me stay fit and active in this new normal state of affairs?

How can Aromatherapy help me stay fit and active in this new normal state of affairs?

Do we really need to say this? Daily Movement is the key to keeping well. After this honeyed

slowness to life, as we cart-wheel our way back to the new normal, it is so important to

continue to invest your energy into personal practices of all sorts and elevate it by using clay

oils to rejuvenate.

Clay Essentials recommends-

1. Peppermint oil – Peppermint is a good energy and mental clarity booster, its refreshing

smell, you guys! it is definitely a mood lifter and is believed to support healthy breathing, it’s

also good for healing bites or bruises.

Best works for : Cycling, walking, running.


Inhale prior or rub a few drops on your wrist before heading for your workout.

2. Eucalyptus oil– It has anti-inflammatory properties. Massage this oil into sore/aching

muscles to soothe muscle tension and reduce spasms.

Best works for your rest day, post workout.


-Mix a drop or two in your massage or carrier oils for muscle relief.

-Add it into your dryer filter when washing your workout gear for freshness and also to

sanitize it better.

3. Lemongrass oil has this compound called citral that helps you ramp up your energy level

and increase metabolism to burn more calories and to combat post workout exhaustion.

Best works for: Yoga, HITT, heavy workout sesh.


Apply it on your feet or inner wrist pre-workout1


Using pure essential oils works wonders to help you stay motivated and to keep you going.

Way to boost your performance and post workout recovery couldn’t be any easier!