Eye pillows not only soothe your eye, but also have a couple of benefits like helping you feel more relaxed and at peace.
1. These pillows are filled with flax seeds adding weight, thus giving a soothed massage kind of a feeling almost like acupressure that feels so good to tired eyes.
2. The flax seeds are infused with aromatic essential oils (best being Lavender for relaxation) that help in calming the mind.
3. Organic cotton material adds to the cooling effect on the skin.
4. Eye pillows can block out light, and the slight pressure can encourage you to close your eyes to get a better sleep.
5. The vagus nerve also connects to the brain, and controlling that nerve helps control the mood. Using an eye pillow stimulates the vagus nerve and elevates the moods within a few minutes especially when feeling stressed and anxious.
How to use:
Use the eye pillow for whenever you need rest. Close your eyes and feel the weight of the pillow soothe you, let the mild scent of lavender melt away all your stress and worries.
Breathe, relax and let go.
This pillow can be used for the Yoga nidra and Savasana for better sleep, enhancing beauty & while meditating.